Sam and Macie had their 3-year wellness checkup with Dr. Stevens today. We left the house at about 10:00 and left Dan and Amelia behind to get ready for school. On the way, I chatted with Sam and Macie about what Dr. Stevens would do and say when she saw them. I kinda prepped them for the fact that they were going to get shots. They understood that it would hurt, only a little, and not for long. And best of all, they'd get a cool bandaid and a sucker if they were good! The second they met the doctor, Macie started acting timid and saying she didn't want to hurt. Everything went pretty well, but Sam really cried hard and LONG when Nurse Sara gave him the shots first. Macie was next and really scared by then, but she recovered quickly. After all was said and done, Sam (still crying) pulled his tear-streaked face into a bitter grimace and shouted at Nurse Sara, "You did this to me!" I thought it was pretty funny, but I think she felt kinda bad... she kept trying to explain that she was only doing it so he could be healthy. Please. He's three. He doesn't care about his health. :)
Next we ran a bunch of errands to prepare for Matt's wedding. By the time we got to Millie's bus stop, Sam had an accident in his big boy underwear. (He's only been wearing them for about three days.) We still had to go to Costco, so we stopped at home to change and realized we were locked out of the house! Great. Pee pants and no way to clean up. Dan had a key, but he was in Nampa... Fortunately I had just purchased more undies, so after a wet-wipe bath Sam had clean undies, but no pants AND WE STILL HAD TO GO TO COSTCO! Looking at an hour round-trip drive to get a house key, we decided to go to our neighbor's to go potty just in case. Lucky us, a guy in our ward was there and he had his 3-year-old son, Adrian along. We tried to get Adrian to donate his pants to Sam, but he would have none of that! Instead, we followed them to their house, and they loaned us a pair. Sheesh! In the end, we didn't have to drive to Nampa, and we still made our trip to Costco.
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AuthorI'm a happy mommy who loves to pretend that I'm not aging! 39. Yowsa. Stylin' Binders- the place I sell the coupon binder bags I make with my friend, Kelli Allmaras. Feel free to do some shopping!
MDT Workshop - the business I run with the talented Tiffany Calas
Frandsen Family Friends
March 2011