Macie gets "styled"February 2008 -- Macie is suddenly very interested in what Amelia is doing. She's a good little mimic. And she has learned that when big sister offers to do your nails, you take advantage! Crayola Metallic Crayons work really well, and actually do look like painted nails- for a very short time. |
Gettin' jiggy in the kitchen
February 2008 -- In this house, we love music. We love dancing. We love the cabinet-mounted cd player that Mom received for Christmas. In this clip, Macie snags a moment alone in the kitchen. |

February 2008 -- You might think that Macie is asleep in this picture, or that she blinked. But no. This is her thing. She fakes sleep. All the time! "Let's take a picture, Macie. Smile!" Zzzzzzzz. "Macie, hop down from my lap, I've gotta move." Zzzzzzzz. "Time for a night-night kiss." Zzzzzzzz. Sometimes she sleep-walks, squinting at me through her lashes and whispers, "Ssss, Momma, I seep." Then somehow she is cuddled in my lap with a blanket tucked around her. I simply cannot resist.
The only way to get Macie to "wake up" is to talk to yourself about how she must be sooooo tired that she needs to get in her bed. "Pook-a-boo", she shouts. Instantly she is the perfect picture of spry alertness. The other day in the van, I caught a glimpse of a silent sister vs. sister slap contest through the rear view mirror. After a couple of you'd-better-stop threats, I parked and stepped out of the van. I flung open the sliding door and what did I find? Zzzzzzzz.